Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Mix Tapes: I Love You, It's Cool

I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but I have some new favorite things (other than being sucked into watching Lost on Netflix, but that's a whhhhhooollle other story).

One of my new favorite things is Bon Iver Erotic Stories. I really don't think I need to describe that further. So I won't.

And when I'm not reading Bon Iver erotica, or watching Lost, or writing Groupons, or doing yoga, or trolling around Tumblr, I'm probably doing my other new favorite thing, which is listening to Bear in Heaven. (And the super neat thing about this favorite thing is, I can—gasp—do it at the same time as many of my other new favorite things!)

Their latest album is called "I Love You, It's Cool"—and you know what, I do. And it is cool.

I think you should listen with me. Here's a video:

Don't tell me anything that happens in Lost. I mean it. Don't blow it. I'm really enjoying wasting the end of my 20s watching this show, a decade late. Also, I should probably mention that 98% of the Tumblr pages I enjoy are posts by 16-year-old girls. But they like all the same stuff I do! Pictures of beaches and flowers and animals and yoga poses and pastries!

Something is wrong. I need help.

But don't worry:

I love you, it's cool.

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